Online poker: China does not want it in its territory
Asians have developed a passion for gambling more than other civilizations since immemorial time. Regarding poker in particular, it meets a high popularity in Asia and the yellow continent has not escaped the phenomenon. Tournaments like the Asian Pacific Poker Tour or the APT of Macau know at every meeting a huge success. China with its 1.3 billion population was for some time coveted by operators of online gambling, as it was foreseen as the future paradise of the next poker boom. Every operator of online gambling did not have to miss such a financial opportunity because China is in itself alone a market equivalent to a continent.
Faced to this mercantile enthusiasm of operators of online gambling, the Chinese Ministry of Public Security has set up a massive offensive against these sites. On its official Internet portal, the Ministry does not hide anything about his intentions; he will conduct a major operation against the unprecedented gambling platforms and banks involved in money transfers between gambling websites and gamblers. The Chinese and foreign companies engaged in the management of these online gambling offers are also in the sights of this ministry commitment to give them exemplary punishment. The Chinese government has already banned sites like YouTube in March 2009, Facebook and Twitter havent also their place in China. The main reason of this protectionism is to prevent the escape of its capital abroad.
Source: Poker 777
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
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