Online gambling: Tax havens in a bottleneck
The French government has adopted for the year 2010 the list of states and territories uncooperative on tax matters. The Economy Minister, Christine Lagarde, and his colleague of Budget, Eric Woerth has just signed there some day this famous list. It comprises in total 18 countries: Anguilla, Belize, Brunei, Costa Rica, Dominica, Grenada, Guatemala, Cook Islands, Marshall Islands, Liberia, Montserrat, Nauru, Niue, Panama, Philippines, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia and finally St. Vincent and the Grenadines. For penalize the trade with these 18 tax havens, Paris will impose a tax of 50% on dividends, interest and royalties paid by French entities to beneficiaries living in those territories.
This list will have serious impacts on the texture of the future French market of online gambling such as casino, poker and sports betting online. Indeed, the law on the next opening of the market of the French online gaming competition prohibits the attribution of licenses to operators of online gambling which have taken up residence in these tax havens. If the majority of poker sites, which is based in Cyprus, Malta, Gibraltar does not seem to be worried by this list, only those staying in Costa Rica should have more worries. But the article 10 of the French bill on online gambling has finesse: this article talks about tax havens such as designated by international entities. The ratification of the bill by the Senate expected on next February the 23rd will specify which authority is exactly mentionned.
Source: Poker 777
Thursday, 18 February 2010
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