Poker on Facebook: The social network is infested by robot
The social network Facebook has not escaped to the fever of poker which is experiencing a renewed interest since a few times. Facebook swarm of poker applications, but the most famous of them is the game Zynga Poker and Zinga Rivals Poker, developed by Playfish. There is little time, the application Zynga Poker has been a scandal about applying to play in this application; bots are used to play poker, which greatly distorts the rankings and interest in the game. A survey conducted by "Pokerlisting" has demonstrated that some players may use robots. These little programs are used by players to simulate the presence of other players. There is no parade to thwart spam.
Some are very well prepared given that they record each data of the player at the table and use these statistics for to take an advantage in the parts. Even experienced players are not immune from such malevolent software. It has no interest in a free game and without monetary issue would you say? But the multiplication of promotions, exclusive tournaments and packages permit to win packages for the World Series of Poker (WSOP) were certainly a bait therefore for small smart whose objectives is to get the sesame cheaply. You can get this malware very easily; it can be gleaned a few minutes on pages of GoogleCode.
Source: Poker 777
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
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