Partouche group: Indecision about an online poker licence in France.
While waiting for the validation of the bill which will regulate the opening of the online gaming market in France, the Partouche group, through its Chief Executive Officer, Patrick Partouche, continues to defend the groups great indecision, concerning its will to acquire or not, a network licence for online poker in France. The well-known face of the group, firstly, would like to know the conditions of use within the online poker and casino sector, in France, as well as the contents of the text before giving his opinion or not.
According to Patrick Partouche, during an interview with the daily financial newspaper, les Echos , it turns out that the pre-established rules are often aimed at giving a great advantage, or even more so, to privilege ,local operators, such as La Francaise des Jeux (The French Gaming Company) and the PMU (French State Controlled Betting System). The law, which has recently been adopted in Belgium, illustrates this case. It effectively deplores this case in our neighbouring country, where only the casino owners of terrestrial casinos have the right to grant online gaming licenses, to the great displeasure of other operators, who want to enter the Belgian market. The person in charge of this leading group of French terrestrial casinos also seems persuaded that the French bill about Internet games will continue to struggle to succeed because it is a victim of a conflict of interests, which explains the delay in its approval. For him, the Partouche group, is limited, for the moment, to its contract with Paris Premiere and Eurosport, for the broadcasting of the Partouche Poker Tour tournament, as well as the running of his site
Source: Poker 777
Monday, 01 February 2010
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