French text on online gambling: The senator Trucy fears the worst
According to the estimations of the French senator François Trucy, who is not other than the reporter of the bill on the opening to the competition of online gambling like the poker, the casino and the sports betting on Internet, the calendar was extremely tight to let promulgate the new law before the date of June the 1st, 2010, the day before the World Cup of football. Trucy, author of two parliamentary reports on gambling, presented this Tuesday at the press this text with the president of the committee of finance, Jean Arthuis. The senator of the Var added that each type of game - poker, sports betting and horse bets must do the subject of a separated approval; it could have a hundred applications at the Arjel, the future authority of regulation of the sector of online gambling. The centrist senator Jean Arthuis had more or less the same vision of the things as his counterpart of UMP.
Let to recall that this bill passed in front of the French National Assembly on October the 13th, 2009 and the deputies adopted it. The hopes of many French players as those of certain operators are founded on a vote in conformity with the French National Assembly in March, after the passage of the text to the Senate on the 23rd and the 24th of February, clearly let know the senator F. Trucy. At this moment, we would be perhaps in the nails, he added. He fears that if the law is not promulgated on June the 1st, it will be the untidy total, because the operators of sports betting will precede the law while launching massive advertising campaigns to make known their sites for the matches in South Africa.
Source: Poker 777
Friday, 29 January 2010
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