Aussie Millions Main Event: The bubble bursts
The Day 2 of the Main Event of the greatest tournament of poker of the Southern hemisphere was held on Wednesday January the 27th. A Day 2 with a lot of surprises since David Frieling dethroning Pierre Aoukar of his position of chip leader. The Day 3 was also a theatre of astonishment of any kind and unexpected reversal. 294 players were presented in the Room Poker of Crown Casino of Melbourne for the beginning of this Main Event. Many experienced players had to leave the race prematurely to quote only Erick Lindgren, Tony G, Joe Hachem, daN Harrington, James Akenhead, Mark Your or Leo Margets. At the end of the Day 2, 83 players survived, they can dream to the $1.8 million reserved to the winner of the competition.
The Day 3 was cruel for some players of reputation as Howard Lederer but others players took advantage in this day and join the head. The Dane Gus Gansen is among those who knew how to profit this situation; he assembled a gold mine, more than 500,000 tokens. After this day 3, the field was cut to less than 50 players; Van Marcus and Barry Greenstein were eliminated. But other players exceeded the million tokens, among these players we noted Dan Shak, Sorel Mizzi and Stephe Shelley. Other tournaments proceed also in parallel in margin of this Main Event. As example of the tournament of poker by team “Teams Event”, the victory was won by Mel Judah and Mick Guttmann who knew to pull up among the 106 other teams which took the departure event.
Source: Poker 777
Friday, 29 January 2010
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