Switzerland: A liberalization of online gambling envisaged
Switzerland could adopt another politic for online gambling; it could simply choose its liberalization. The Swiss legislation on gambling was until know a little bit ambiguous. The Swiss administration will give licenses to owners of casino who are taxed of a 40% value to 80% sometimes. And online casinos should not derogate the same rules. A Swiss who opens a casino without making a preliminary request risks a severe punishment which can go up to one year of imprisonment and a fine which can reach one million Switzerland francs. Fine is not applicable to companies of online gambling because they are not physically installed in Switzerland. The ambiguity of the Swiss law is obvious when a Swiss player can play online and the fact of staking money online is not condemnable. It facilitates the capital evasion.
This situation could change after the publication of a report of the Swiss cabinet MME Partners and the company of research MECN which shows that the actual prohibitions concerning online gambling in many countries are ineffective like in Germany, their neighbor. According to Martin Oelbermann of MECN “the plans of Swiss liberalization show the forms of pressure of the foreign online offers on owners of casino who have authorization from State, and the forces of income of some of these States to reconsider the actual regulation”. Swiss deputies opt for the opening of the country to markets of gambling such as poker, casino gambling or international sports betting.
Source: Poker 777
Friday, 08 January 2010
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