CNBC: Severe criticize toward the industry of online gambling
The CBS TV channel dedicate a complete file on the scandal of using super account of the rooms of online poker Absolute Poker and UltimateBet, a file which made great noise in the country of Uncle Sam. There is another chain of TV, the CNBC which programs an emission and inquires into the illegality of online gambling with negative testimonies about this industry. The big business of Illegal gambling which was diffused on CNBC on december the 16th accuse the industry of online gambling and its invisible and worrying parts like dangers incurred by the users, stories and testimonies of addiction, relations with the mafia. Moreover, the emission was announced as an in-depth analysis of the inventory of fixtures of the industry of online gambling by its creators.
The emission was divided into two parts; the first part was dedicated to the sports betting and the development of this industry apart from Las Vegas while the second part was centered on the scandal of cheating of Absolute Poker and Ultimate Bet. During the first part, the journalists of CNBC inquired on sites of online betting, this part of the emission showed the way in which the punters circumvent the laws in order to earn more money, there was also the testimony of a punter suffering of addiction which destroy its life, from the loss of his house and his life of robber to satisfy his addiction.
Source: Poker 777
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
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