Players of poker: Unexpected revelations appeared during the year 2009
With the end of the year 2009 which will arrive in less than one month and with the completion of the majority of great appointments of poker in the world, to draw a short assessment from the best performances of the year is already possible. During these first 11 months of tournaments and live championships which take place everywhere in the casinos of the whole world, of Las Vegas, while passing by London, Marrakech, Warsaw,
new players who showed their talent were revealed in the whole world. In the French side, it was certainly the Breton, Antoine Saout who made a triumphal entry on the scene of the world poker. With his 3rd place in the World Series of Poker (WSOP) and his many paid places right before the November Nine, this player simply made the exploit to rise in the group of the largest French profits in tournament with a little more than 4 million dollars.
The winner of the Main Event of the 2009 WSOP, Joe Cada is also a player whose adventure in the world of poker of this year was amazing. This new official ambassador of poker thus finishes the year while being richer of 8.5 million dollars and a title coveted by the players of the whole world. The winner of the World Championship of Online Poker (WCOOP), Daniel djk123 Kelly, is also a name to be retained in the future. This 20 years old student at the University of Vilanova indeed succeeded in taking down two WCOOP titles in less than two weeks. After a first title in the World Poker Tour of 2004, Cornel Cimpan who succeeded in gaining a second title in February, at the time of the L.A. Poker Classic of Los Angeles also proved that his first title was not a chance.
Source: Poker 777
Monday, 30 November 2009
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