Economic crisis in the USA: Online poker could give solutions
Analysts agree to say that the regulation of online poker could be beneficial for the American economy. Indeed, after the series of closing of companies, from bankruptcy of bank and the loss of thousands of employment, the economy of the country had more than suffered and the public revenues showed a notable fall. The American Congress was the theatre of a virulent debate which turns around the regulation of online poker. The poker is still regarded as a game of chance and not a play of address in the United States but much lobbyists rose in favour of a regulation of online poker and its legalization in a country where there are always more than tens million players who devote themselves clandestinely (in spite of prohibition in force) to this game.
American poker players hoped that the things would go better thanks to the arrival of Barack Obama at the head of the country. This last plays poker occasionally during his spare times. But the new one occupying of the White House does not have for the moment emitted any opinion on the regulation of poker. To defend their ideas, American elected officials in favor of the regularization of online poker propose the economic aspect of such regularization. They ensure that a regulation of online poker could bring to the case of the State not less than 41 billion dollars, a considerable sum in this time of crisis. But much of elected officials make the deaf person ear with what could be a genuine financial basket. Certain Democrats do not want to worsen the conflict with the Republicans.
Source: Poker 777
Friday, 27 November 2009
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