La Française des Jeux: Linking of a new site sports betting
A few months before the coming into force of the new law concerning online games and online bets, all of the major operators prepare firmly for this new context. La Française des Jeux (FDJ), the public company which held up to now the monopoly of bet operating thus has just launched a whole new site of online bet: Parionsweb. For the company, this launching was made right from the publication in the Official Newspaper of the clauses concerning this new activity launched by FDJ permitting it to propose sports betting with edge proposed on Internet. Let us note that before Parionsweb, FDJ already had at its disposal two portals, Cote & Match and Cote & Score. The difference between the three sites is at the level of the edges proposed. The two first portals propose gains to player according to an edge fixed by the operator or a mutual bet.
Through this new site of sports betting, La Française des Jeux intends to launch a brand they want to convey in online bet. To face major portals already on Internet, Parionsweb proposes Web TV as well as 150 bets with edge every week. But according to the persons in charge of the company, this tender will be largely extended at the moment of the opening of the market of online bet. For the FDJ, the market of online sports betting is a very interesting market because during the year 2008, this activity generated to them 26.5 million of turnovers, in rise of 120% compared with the year 2007. For this company classified as the 3rd lottery in the world with 9.2 billion of turnover, online sports betting represents 12% of online stake which they recorded.
Source: Poker 777
Tuesday, 03 November 2009
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