Online poker: Risk of disturbance with Harrahs future entrance
Phil Hellmuth rebels against the intention of Harrah's company, the current holder of the rights of the World Series of Pokers brand. Harrahs Entertainment could indeed pass towards the activity of online games companies. Indeed Harrahs plans in a near future to open its own platform of online poker. "The Brat Poker" is afraid of its entails perverse effects on all the systems which revolve round the WSOP. Further to this information, Phil Hellmuth said that to face the strong Harrah's, companies of online game could unite their strengths and in the future, a new championship of poker could take place. According to rumours, it seems that Harrahs appealed to the services of an actor already in service on the market of online poker: 888 Company for the implementation of a site of game planned to be operational in 2010.
In spite of the little detail known, other platforms of online game are on the watch. Harrah's future site is certainly going to offer qualifying satellites for the WSOP what could shade competition. When we know that online qualifying satellites for the World Series of Poker are a formidable marketing platform for sites of online games. If Harrahs enters this, other sites of online poker will have anymore the possibility to attribute invaluable sesame for the WSOP. Most of champions of the WSOP are sponsored by online rooms and Harrahs will surely banish any advertising to protect its newborn event, perturbing so the economic microcosm created by the WSOP.
Source: Poker 777
Friday, 02 October 2009
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