Netherlands: Poker tournaments outside of casinos in the way to be legalized
In front of the ceaseless increase of the various games and illegal bets which are played outside casinos on its territory, Netherlands looks into authorization of the legal tournaments of poker which can be done outside casinos. The purpose of this initiative is to reduce the games and bets which are made beyond the legality frame. In a letter sent to the Dutch Parliament, Minister of Justice of this country declares they will allow tournaments and games of poker somewhere else outside of Holland Casino firms. Let us indicate that Holland Casino firms belong to the State and detain the monopoly of games in this country. Netherlands thus is following the example of Switzerland which has already legalized tournaments of poker outside casinos.
A recent market study on the industry of game showed that there would be about more than 600,000 Dutch players who devote regularly to illegal poker. These games are played either in clubs, in private or online. The Minister Hirsch Ballin indicated that one of the causes of this important number of illegal players is that there are a few Holland Casino firms in the country. These firms are about 14 and it is maybe for it that Dutch players prefer playing in more intimate tournaments. The Minister envisages cooperation between the Ministry of Justice and Holland Casino to organize with efficiency tournaments of poker which is not going to encroach upon the monopoly, but which is however going to answer the request.
Source: Poker 777
Saturday, 08 August 2009
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