Online games: 5.6 billion Euros of turnover in 2008
Virtual games and online gambling is in the way to become one of the biggest industries in the world. The number of enthusiasts of fight or adventure games, fanatics of online casino and internet poker, betting sport, roulette, black jack
continues to grow year by year. The stake they are placing on these websites and the subscription they buy on these gamble portals are more and more important. Despite of the global financial crisis which leads to a fall down of the dynamism of most economic sectors, online games hadnt known these drops of their revenues, a fact which was nevertheless visible inside physical casinos activity such many firms based in Las Vegas of French big casino groups.
According to a study lead by Pricewaterhouse Coopers during last June, whole of the European online games operators had realized 5.6 billions Euros of turnovers during the 2008 fiscal year. This report show also how the income of this sector had tripled compared to 2004 fiscal year. For the next years, the same dynamism will be observed. In 2012, this professional service firm announces that the turnover of this sector of online game can reach 8 billions Euros. The details of this study illustrate also that lottery and betting sports form the two most dynamic sectors. In all, 2 billions Euros of turnover for each, was recorded by these two divisions. Poker, casinos and bingo follow them with a growth as active as these other gamble activities.
Source: Poker 777
Tuesday, 04 August 2009
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