Law concerning online games: Specific clause to be added for betting sports
The law governing the French sector of online games always remains to be the most interesting debates of these last times. Remind us that, Eric Woerth and his team at the French ministry of the Budget have just introduced to the National Assembly Commission of finances its bill concerning this sector. It is now revealed that this law was elaborated so as to avoid the addiction of players and to reduce the interest of money laundering. But one of the biggest points in this bill is the one which concerns exclusively equestrian bets and betting sports: a law which will be revised on the end of September.
According to a source close to the French Minister of Budget, this law aims at protecting the integrity of the sport and avoiding faking". As soon as the opening of the market of online games will come into force, thus in January, 2010, a date which was not either moved or delayed, yet up to here, all the operators which will obtain the approval to run this domain on the French territory will be all obliged to sign a contract with sports event organizers. It is a way of reducing the faking of online bets results damaging the independence of matches. «Thanks to this law, sports event organizers are recognized as the owner of the business concerned which can be realized around his event ". Let us note that online bets will be one of authorized online games in France.
Source: Poker 777
Thursday, 23 July 2009
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