Rio Casino: four days of atmosphere in "PokerPalooza"
The biggest fair of the poker world was held on last July 2nd to 5th in Rio in Las Vegas, not far from the place where is held the World Series of poker (WSOP). It is a place where all passionate of poker meet. This year, about ten stands for products exhibition, services and animations concerning the world of poker, were set up. And to put a some spices in all this, interactive zones were organized under various themes among which Media of the Poker, Education about Poker, Circuits of Poker, History of the WSOP, Luxury items, Food and Drinks. Apart from the different animations in the zone «Arcade Area ", playing poker can be done there. The Bar Bad Beat gives another atmosphere than what we usually see.
Known under the name of « Gaming Lifestyle Expo », this fun fair receives every year about ten thousands of persons coming from all corners of the world. Stars of poker, amateurs or professionals players and especially players of online poker didnt miss to be present at this great annual event. And because this festivity is held near the the Amazon Room, Brasilia Room and Miranda Room, there where the Main Event of the World Series of Poker, seeing the terrors of poker playing at this tournament, having an idea of the atmosphere reigning there is also another adventure.
Source: Poker 777
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
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