Main Event of WSOP: A wonderful path for the French players
Since the beginning of the tournament, French players already showed skill and performance facing the other internationally recognized poker players. Among 648 paid places, they were able to obtain 19, a figure which was never been seen in the history of the French poker especially during the WSOP. And what makes the pride of France this time is the exploit of the poker player Estelle Denis, the emcee of 100 % Mag, on M6 and partner of the French team of football coach, Raymond Domenech, was among the 400 last ones qualified in WSOP in Las Vegas. There is also Ludovic Lacay who impressed during the Day 3 and 4 as leaderboard. The French poker hero, Patrick Bruel, didnt go back with empty pocket during this tournament.
Eight French players are still running the Day 6 if we only talk about legendary French poker players as " Elky " and Ludovic Lucay. Remy Biechel who had begun Day 5 by being a shortstack with a stack of 130,000, Patrick Hanoteau and Antoine Dugast are among the eliminated of Day 5. Even the players are not any more too much far from the goal, everything remains playable. Every player of poker is not ready to give up and will give the best of him to reach the final table of WSOP in November 1st. 185 survivors will gather around tables the day before July 14th.
Source: Poker 777
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
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