Online Poker To Blame?
Ask any poker players and they will tell you that poker is definitely not just a game of chance, but of strategy and skill. Still many blame online poker for all the bad notions associated with gambling - going bankrupt, declining social status and the like. Gambling addiction is just like any other adddiction. Something that only affect those who are prone to addictions anyway. Those who are too weak to say no at the right time. Those who are easily blinded by the bling and fail to recognize all the fun they could have playing mind games. And poker is definitely a mind game, that's for sure. Gambling is a matter of personal decision. It is up to an individual to assess his or her own values and priorities. Addiction is a mental condition and it can be triggered by just about anything, from chewing gums to pets to games. Professional poker players never get addicted. Professional poker players are too smart for that sort of thing. They are simply just devoted to their favourite game. You have to be smart to be professional and to become a professional you have to spend a lot of time practicing the craft. Would you call that addiction? Would you call a chess player addicted? For thet matter, would you call anyone deeply interested in learning something addicted? Would you call anyone playing any game addicted just because they enjoy playing their favourite games? Poker is just another thinking man's game where you can incidentally win money, but most of the players only enjoy it playing for low stakes so we can rule out the greed factor too. And that's the most important thing to remember - games are above all, meant to be fun.
Source: Poker777Staff
Monday, 18 May 2009
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