Online Poker Fraud Hits Unsuspecting Shop-Goers in Sweden
Although there has been increased talk of bolstering security measures at online poker rooms, a recent case of fraud has highlighted the fact that the online poker industry still has a ways to go in this respect. In the Swedish town on Skovde, nine people were victims of a new version of internet fraud, in which they lost money at online poker sites, which they claimed they never visited. Each of the nine Swedes lost on average 10,000 kronor at the online poker sites. Every one of them claimed that they had never visited, let alone deposited at those sites. The fraud victims were not online poker players, but this is not the only thing in common. They also all shopped in the same store using credit cards, and police believe that this is how they were duped into shelling out money at online poker sites. Police suspect that a shop employee recorded their credit card information in the shop and later used it to register at online poker sites. The suspect fabricated the other personal details during registration. All nine of the fraud victims have had their money returned to them.
Source: Poker777 Staff
Monday, 24 April 2006
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