Poker Player Gets Sentenced for Delivering 6.6lbs of Doobie to Canadian Prime Minister
John Turmel, a professional Canadian poker player and medicinal marijuana advocate, has been slapped with a C$1,000 fine, three years probation, and 100 hours of community service after being found guilty of possessing marijuana for the purpose of trafficking. All in all, we're talking minor consequences, considering the extent of the possession: 3 kg (6.6), and the target to which it was being trafficked: then-Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien. In 2003, the poker-playing Turmel took a trip to Parliament and dropped off a care package of about 3 kg of the green stuff for Chretien, in what he calls a political statement in favor of decriminalizing marijuana. Even though Turmel was found guilty of possession, his demonstration was effective in convincing the courts to drop possession charges against another 4,000 fans of the reefer. Despite appearances, this is NOT an April Fool's joke.
Source: Poker777 Staff
Saturday, 01 April 2006
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