Canadian Poker Pro Signs on with Whiskey Brand as Ambassador to Poker Circuit
Professional poker players seem to have found a new fan base in Canadian whiskey brands. One such brand, Black Velvet Canadian Whiskey, has penned an endorsement deal with Canadian poker pro Gavin Smith, making him the company's spokesperson in the world of poker. As such, Smith will take part in a Black Velvet promotion in which he'll play heads-up against the winner of a sweepstakes that the whiskey company will be launching this summer. The winner of the sweepstakes will get to play against Smith as part of an all-expenses-paid trip to Las Vegas sponsored by Black Velvet. Smith's whiskey endorsement deal is not a first for the Canadian liquor industry. Just over a week ago, Poker777 reported that another Canadian whiskey company had come under fire for a poker endorsement event it held with former World Series of Poker champ Chris Moneymaker, in which minors were allegedly involved.
Source: Poker777 Staff
Friday, 31 March 2006
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