UK University Students to Duke It Out in Nationwide Poker Championship
Although the popularity of poker across university campuses has generally been highlighted as an American phenomenon, UK students seem to have caught the poker bug as well. Evidence of this is the appeal of the UK Student Poker Championship., a site that serves to bridge the gap between the various universities' poker societies, is spearheading the UK Student Poker Championship for the second year in a row, with help from the University of St. Andrews and online gaming site The organization was also behind the tournament's inaugural run, in 2005. Last year's competition spanned over two days and hosted a total of 259 poker-playing students. This year's tournament, taking place on April 1 and 2, has already sold out its 300 available tickets. Another sign of the competition's growth, this year's UK Student Poker Championship will take place at the Edinburgh Corn Exchange, one the Scottish capital's top event outlets, up a notch from the University of St. Andrews, last year's hosting venue. Entry to the No-Limit Texas Hold 'em tournament could be bought for an affordable £30, with the winner walking away with a World Series of Poker prize package. In addition, the top 30 competitors will cash with a minimum of at least £100. For more information on the UK Student Poker Championship, go to
Source: Poker777 Staff
Tuesday, 21 March 2006
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