ND Lawmaker Trying to Redefine Online Poker
A North Dakota Legislator is pushing to redefine internet poker in the state Constitution as a game of skill instead of simply defining it as gambling. Rep. Jim Kasper, R-Fargo anticipates that such a change of definition will encourage the creation of internet poker businesses in North Dakota, thus boosting the state's revenues. Kaspers plan would distribute 60 percent of poker proceeds to subsidize property taxes, 20 percent to public education and the remaining 20 percent to the state's general fund. Due to a federal law prohibiting gambling over the "wire," multiple businesses are encouraged to take their operations overseas. Kasper is trying to convince the state legislature to go up against the federal government should its officials make efforts to hinder state law. Some of Kasper's fellow lawmakers, however, are skeptical as to the bill's chances for passing as well how worthwhile doing so would be. Some see trying to redefine poker, a game classically associated with gambling, as anything but that, as futile. Others fear the costs of potential legal actions against the federal government.
Source: Poker777 Staff
Friday, 04 February 2005
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