Inc to tax avoidance: The Québécois Party accuses Lotto-Quebec
The Québécois Party (PQ) reproach the Québécois state company Lotto-Québec to incite to tax avoidance by leaving with some of its croupiers working in its casinos freedom to declare themselves tips which they get. Lotto-Quebec which is the main operator having the privilege to operate legally games of chance and gambling games in the Belle Province, that goes from simple bingo to games of chance in casinos, sports betting as well as online games based on multimedia technologies and the Internet. The representative of the party PQ, François Rebello brought to the French National Assembly the copy of an internal correspondence of Lotto-Quebec. This letter mentions that since September the 28th, croupiers of poker of the Casino de Montreal will have to declare individually their tips.
François Rebello considers that this new measurement is purely an incitement to tax avoidance. He advanced as argument that if tips were managed by the employer, they will be declared completely whereas, in this case, tax avoidance is strongly probable. The Casino du Lac Leamy which already applied the new directive since June thus saw its declared tips falling of 30%. For its defence, Lotto-Quebec said itself amazed by reactions caused by this new directive. Indeed, it was agreed in advance with croupiers that they should declare themselves their tips at the end of the probation period. Once this tests done, croupiers will be subjected to the same rule as gatekeepers, waiters who do individual declaration of their tips.
Source: Poker 777
Monday, 12 October 2009
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