Alain Joyandet: Favourable to a bingo for Africa
Coming back from a travel in three African countries, Guinea, Mali and Mauritania, the French Secretary of State for Overseas Development, Alain Joyandet made a declaration Thursday. He said that France studies at the moment "the creation of a specific game for Africa" a loto (French name of the bingo) or an online bingo. This project in gestation registered in the framework of the « innovative financing » as a supplement to the public help for the development. This online bingo could certainly be born in 2010. The French Secretary of State indicated having spoken about it with La Française des Jeux, the public organism in charge of the management of French games and bets on its territory. And again, according to Alain Joyandet, this bingo could bring more than 10 millions a year.
A part of the game, the stake would be given to good cause, would allow to sensitize the population" to help the poorest and to mobilize "Diasporas ". This system called "innovative financing" to fight against poverty is not new; the most known application is the tax on plane tickets. An idea of a humanitarian lottery already appeared also in a United Nations report during the 70s. This time, it is the fact of allying humanitarian aid and bingo which is revolutionary. In three years, the system said about innovating «financing allowed» to collect more than two billion dollars which are added to the 119 billions dollars of world public help to the development.
Source: Poker 777
Saturday, 08 August 2009
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